
2018-01-11 16:10:55


【香港輕新聞】美國傳媒人沃爾夫(Michael Wolff)在新書《烈燄與怒火》披露白宮內幕,還列出總統特朗普及其家人的驚人內容,引起滿城風雨。他堅稱曾與特朗普對話,並透露其幕僚都認為他行為幼稚,有人甚至以「白痴」形容。新書一出已登暢銷榜首位,有人指堪比之前「哈利波特」熱潮。

《烈燄與怒火:特朗普白宮揭密》(Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House)一書由美國傳媒人沃爾夫執筆,他稱為此書做了逾200場專訪,新書部份內容已被多間媒體及雜誌刊出。在特朗普律師試圖尋求禁止其發行後,發行商決定提前發售。





  • 班農批特朗普家人與俄國人士會面是叛國

書中引述班農指出,對於特朗普長子小唐納(Donald Trump Jr)、女婿庫西納(Jared Kushner)及競選總幹事曼納福特(Paul Manafort)在特朗普大樓內會議室與外國(俄國)政府人士見面,且未請律師在場,他認為是「叛國、不愛國的壞事」,而且應立刻通知聯邦調查局(FBI)。

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The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor with no lawyers," Bannon said, according to a copy of the book obtained by NBC News.

Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it's all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.

The chance that Don Jr. did not walk these jumos up to his father’s office on the twenty-sixth floor is zero.

《NBC News》


雖然班農日前向各傳媒發放聲明重申自己「很欣賞特朗普」,並澄清「叛國」之說並非針對特朗普兒子,而是另有其人,但似乎仍不能事情降溫。而右翼媒體布賴特巴特新聞(Breitbart News)周二亦宣布,班農將辭去執行董事職務。

  • 特朗普幕僚質疑其能力甚至稱他為「白痴」

書中描述,在過去一年,特朗普身邊的幕僚都開始相信,他並沒有能力勝任自己的工作。財政部長姆努欽(Steven Mnuchin)和前幕僚長雷恩斯·普利巴斯(Reince Priebus)把特朗普稱為「白痴」;特朗普首席經濟顧問格里·考恩(Gary Cohn )把特朗普的智力比作「糞便」;國家安全顧問麥馬斯特(H.R. McMaster)認為他是一個「笨蛋」。

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Everyone, in his or her own way, struggled to express the baldly obvious fact that the president did not know enough, did not know what he didn't know, did not particularly care, and to boot, was confident if not serene in his unquestioned certitudes.

For Steve Mnuchin and Reince Priebus, he was an "idiot." For Gary Cohn, he was "dumb as shit." For H.R. McMaster he was a "dope." The list went on.



  • 特朗普陣營原以為會敗選

書中指出,在去年11月大選當晚8時左右,開票情況顯示特朗普即將勝選,特朗普長子小唐納(Donald Trump Jr.)向朋友透露,當時特朗普的反應如「看到鬼」,其妻梅蘭妮亞(Melania Trump)流下眼淚,但「並出於喜悅」。


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Shortly after 8 p.m. on Election Night, when the unexpected trend — Trump might actually win — seemed confirmed, Don Jr. told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears — and not of joy.

There was, in the space of little more than an hour, in Steve Bannon’s not unamused observation, a befuddled Trump morphing into a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump. But still to come was the final transformation: Suddenly, Donald Trump became a man who believed that he deserved to be, and was wholly capable of being, the president of the United States.



  • 伊凡卡有總統夢

書中揭露特朗普長女伊凡卡(Ivanka Trump)與丈夫庫西納(Jared Kushner)接下白宮顧問職位時,曾討論未來若如有機會,將由伊凡卡出馬競選總統。伊凡卡對此感到高興,美國首位女總統將是自己,而非希拉里(Hillary Clinton)。

[toggle title="原文節錄:" state="close"]Between themselves, the two had made an earnest deal: If sometime in the future the opportunity arose, she’d be the one to run for president. The first woman president, Ivanka entertained, would not be Hillary Clinton; it would be Ivanka Trump.



  • 特朗普深恐被下毒


[toggle title="原文節錄:" state="close"]He had a long-time fear of being poisoned, one reason why he liked to eat at McDonald's—nobody knew he was coming and the food was safely premade. (pg 85)



  • 特朗普不太喜歡搬進白宮


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[Trump] retreated to his own bedroom—the first time since the Kennedy White House that a presidential couple had maintained separate rooms. In the first days, he ordered two television screens in addition to the one already there, and a lock on the door, precipitating a brief standoff with the Secret Service, who insisted they have access to the room.



白宮斥新書失實 特朗普發律師信

不過,書中一些章節內容的凖確性已受到美國媒體的批評和質疑。白宮發言人桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)表示新書「充斥虛假和誤導性敘述」,指書中內容全是來自與白宮無關、或無法進入白宮的人。

politico網站指,特朗普的私人律師哈德(Charles Harder)表示,他們已向作者沃爾夫和出版商Henry Holt & Co發律師信,指出他們可能構成誹謗。




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By 2018-01-11
